• Questions and discussion related to the archive belong here
  • Threads can be posted without images
  • Keep it legal and safe for work
  • No off-topic threads pls

Threads by latest replies - Page 4

No.717 ViewReplyReportDelete
Just wanted to say thanks admins. favorite archive for /v/ and really like the dark mode. Keep up the great work

No.1220 ViewReplyReportDelete
What's the best way to download all images in a thread from this archive? If I try to use DownThemAll, which I use for other archives, I get blocked for submitting too many requests.


No.1 ViewReplyReportDelete
Thanks for hosting an archive.
1 post omitted

No.3 ViewReplyReportDelete
2 posts and 1 image omitted

No.1174 ViewReplyReportDelete
desuarchive is down

No.1048 ViewReplyReportDelete
>Gateway time-out Error code 504
>Visit cloudflare.com for more information.
oy rabbi why can't i open none of the images? whoever you're for these servers are fucking cunts
4 posts omitted

No.843 ViewReplyReportDelete
Why do I still get blocked when I've excluded b4k from my spookyx script and my PEE extension?
There's absolutely no functionality atm for either of them but I still get random blocks every now and then.
Also what changed recently for SpookyX to suddenly be frowned upon?
3 posts omitted

No.951 ViewReplyReportDelete
Why are files just from 3 years ago already 404?
4 posts omitted

No.1077 ViewReplyReportDelete
Is there a way to search only in the threads matching a specific subject search? I'm only getting the OPs now.
For example find all posts with keyword "bread" in threads that have a subject starting with "/KKK/"