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Threads by latest replies - Page 15

No.262 ViewReplyReportDelete
Why does any word shorter than three characters get omitted from search? Even if you use quotation marks for a phrase containing a word less than three letters, it will act as if the word wasn't there at all.

No.224 ViewReplyReportDelete
fireden doesn't have /v/ anymore
better prepare yourselves
9 posts omitted

this archive is useless

No.196 ViewReplyReportDelete
what's the point if this place doesn't have search nor support from any extension forks/other archives to hold off traffic?

i hoped for an archive that could carry /v/ for everyone and save public backups in case it goes kaput for what fuck ever

even the Archived.moe guy promised to open up searches for super-active boards if he gets another giant hard drive to implement

just go back into hiding if you will.

No.212 ViewReplyReportDelete
>search some old /v/ post
>"Sorry, this board does not have search enabled."
5 posts omitted

No.209 ViewReplyReportDelete
It seemed that I can't search anything with just one word. I however need to find a reference to /o/ in /jp/. Why?

No.206 ViewReplyReportDelete
Could you update the iqdb image search link to https? The site supports it now.


No.204 ViewReplyReportDelete
Will you add ghost to any of your boards? I don't like archived.moe and warosu does not have ghost enabled on /jp/.

No.201 ViewReplyReportDelete
I can't search /jp/, it says "Whoops, something went wrong."

>inb4 Warosu
I like Warosu, but Fuuka can't search things that is only one letter short.

is this where we report bugs?

No.194 ViewReplyReportDelete
there's a problem with thumbnail displaying on browsers other than chrome, for example firefox or opera. op looks fine, but all replies to it don't show anything but empty space where a thumbnail should go.

i'm guessing it has something to do with the lazyload code not working right. it doesn't turn data-original into src, so nothing's displayed.

No.188 ViewReplyReportDelete

I emailed the admin earlier today to delete my personal information posted without my knowledge from the archive. Have you eceived the email? I'm already getting a unwanted emails of harassment and it's getting out of hand

Please delete it as soon as possible and let me know

No.185 ViewReplyReportDelete
>RebeccaBlackTech went down
>Search isn't allowed on /g/

Hey admin, what's the reason for the search being off on /g/?

No.181 ViewReplyReportDelete
sometimes i wish there was some other backend universal foolfuuka search engine so we can search for posts without chewing up server limits here.

ton of posts that aren't viewable at fireden other than here. :(

No.178 ViewReplyReportDelete
Fireden fucked their certificate up or somthan.