• Questions and discussion related to the archive belong here
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Threads by latest replies - Page 9

“most replied threads” stat

No.691 ViewReplyReportDelete
can you add a most replied threads statistic like 4plebs?

No.689 ViewReplyReportDelete
Do some posts not show up at all? I was trying to look for my post on /vg/ and just somehow doesn't exist.

No.680 ViewReplyReportDelete
Is there a single-character wildcard? Asterisk works but I want to search for any word of a specific length.

No.677 ViewReplyReportDelete
Foolfuuka's default theme is my favorite, however the scroll bar is practically invisible when using it as its basically the same color as the background instead of being grayish like it is in Yotsuba. What do?

Old Fireden archive.

No.630 ViewReplyReportDelete
Why don't you have Fireden's old /vg/ posts? If it dies, they're gone forever.
Is the owner unreachable? Wouldn't surprise me.

No.653 ViewReplyReportDelete
Please add a way to filter out certain results in the search. Typing a certain keyword would omit all results with that word.

I want to read mod posts on /v/ without the 'thread was moved to x board' posts.